Raising Parents

February 21 7:00 - 9:00 pm  |  Skybreak Church

Skybreak Church, Harvey Road, College Station, TX, USA

Join us for an amazing night of inspiration, support, and practical tips for raising happy, healthy children. This is a FREE Parenting Seminar with the authors of Raising Parents. Parents of 8 kids and creators of CellPhonePermit.com, Jonathan and Joanne Brozozog. Gain valuable insights for raising happy and healthy children!

If you have students from 6th-12th grade, let them attend Skybreak Youth while you’re in the seminar.

In the last 20 years, there have been over 20,000 parenting books written – so we should all be experts, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t how the majority of parents feel. This FREE Parenting Seminar is designed to inspire and equip today’s parents in setting their kids up for success.